Sunday, January 28, 2007

John Robinson
i fell in love with him as stacy in Lords Of Dogtown........besos to him!

lords of dogtown

i like this movie very much. this reminds me of the life in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. boys were like them. they surf and skate. i always felt their frustration and kind of anger ... i was wondering why the boys act like that. they have beautiful beach, bright sun, lots of nature, to me it was like a perfect place to live, but they seemed not so happy. i thought that they didnt know how to keep peaceful mind and how to love people, but i didnt realize the reason of it. but i think now i know why... they were feeling so much pressures and fears for the futures i guess. also they were feelin frustrated by stucked in a small town. i was just a girl came to study from foreign country, so it was kinda like a loong vacation to me. besides, i was garanteed that if i could graduate a high school in foreign countries, i could get in to a good university. but boys were in different situations. their families were moved from the states, and Tamarindo was the only place they have homes.
i was also really aggressive at that time. i was barely holding myself not going insane as releasing my energy by surfing. so much energy that comes from my body was uncontrollable for even myself, so that it made me become too aggressive and do crazy things. we all spend times like that.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Charlotte Gainsbourg

my favorite actress. i really adore L'effrontè.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER(todo sobre mi madre)

this is an excellent movie. i love it
in this world, many unexpected things happen, it would be a very sad thing for you, but you just have to live on, without turning back.

things always have 2 sides. good and evil, beautiful and ugly.
life is cruel, but there are many precious encounters, and you can make an amazing relationships with them if you want to do so. to help and to be helped, thats how we live.

i want to be generous as Manuela. life would be better if i could accept all the facts that happened to me. a mother is great.

memorable word from the movie...
"when a woman is lonely, she will do anything to forget it"
this explained many situations i saw

I went to salsa try-out lesson.
i wanted to learn it b/c i saw the movie called "Dancing Habana"
i get influenced very easily lol
the lesson was fun.
i still remember one time, when i went to the fiesta in a really small village of Costa Rica, there, everyone was dancing salsa or merengue so well. and one guy asked me to dance with him, but i refused it b/c i didnt know how to dance those kind of dancings! haha i was a shy girl

the lesson was not very hard for me. i could pick up on the movements very fast. i learnt that in salsa, a man lead every movements and what all a woman has to do is to read what kind of step he is going to do next, and to follow it. this feeling is kinda similar to the feeling of leaving my body to a man. very interesting and very different from the dancings i learnt before.

i want to go to learn it again when i have time.

Monday, October 02, 2006

HONG KONG! ~an interesting mixture~                        way to the station from sandy's house
at her universidad with its student
with bruce leeee!!
temple by the sea

god of love

i went to see my friend in Hong Kong. i have been to main land China, but this was the first time to go to Hong Kong. hong Kong was a very mysterious, exotic place to me. cuz it has a lot of British influence, but its still China! very interesting. and its a place i can feel liveliness. in one area people walking in suits elegantly, but if you walk a little bit from there, there are full of people working and yelling to sell goods. very exciting!

we stayed there only for 2 nights, but my friend took us almost all the famous sights of Hong Kong. so at the end, we were exhauseted...haha...we went to the peak wheere you can see a beautiful night view, to Disney Land, to the beach, to the famous bay, to the university that my friend goes to, to the Lady street where you can buy many cheap stuffs, to the temple, to the mall where we skated.....many places.

we are so satisfied with what we did in Hong Kong. we didnt even waste a second. we slept less but we enjoyed the whole time in Hong kong!

thank you sandia to make this trip amazing. love you! xxx

holaaa! im writing this in Intensive English class. Sorry EJ, i was late to the class. my excuse for it is that i had a fight with my best friend....i know it is not a good excuse but since we are so close to each other since elementary school, i was so upset that i couldnt just ignore the argument i was having with her...! hahah..

i guess im too latin to be japanese. im always the one who starts the argument just to let her know im so passionately adore her for my best friend, and i want her to feel the same way as i do for her. i know im selfish.
but its hard to learn how to keep a distance from people in japan. i thought there is no distance between us..........
and she wants me to sense what she feels without a word. but i dont understand what she feels unless she says something to me.

am i too simple? maybe i became a different person during the years i studied in foreign countries.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

OKINAWA 2006 ~MIYAKO ISLAND~ flower musium.
the view from the hotel
sand hill beach
after snorkeled
at the bar woooh!
me and Toshibo dancing 'kacha-shi-(okinawan dance)' in front of the band. this man was hilarious!! i couldnt stop laughing when sitting next to him.
"once we met, we are all brothers" Okinawan proverb
with Mr and Mrs Higa. they showed us sights of legend and old histories in the island.

in the ocean...too beautiful to be true
the place i snorkeled
This summer my family went to Miyako Island, Okinawa, for vacation. my family is a biiiggg okinawa fan. we have been there for about 6 times, and recently our favorite is small islands of Okinawa. we like them b/c ocean is more beautiful, time passes slower, more nature is there, than the main island.

the trip was wonderful. i guess that beautiful nature make people gentle and kind. all the people i met in Miyako island were really warm-hearted. im just very very touched by them.

beautiful experience i will never forget......

My birthday

my birthday...first of all, my college friends,Nana, Ayumi, Anri, marika, held a birthday dinner in a restaurant. it was a good atmosphere bar. i really liked it. and the cocktail...was good too! thank you so much guys. im so happy that i could get to know you guys. love you all xxxxxx

next, i and my friends since the elementary school went on a birthday cruise in Tokyo bay. my friends were all wearing Yukata(traditional japanese dress)..i was the only one who wore a summer dress... but thats fine.. we all danced like crazy on the much fun..

finally, i and my family went to a french restaurant "Le Clos Monmartre" in Kagurazaka. the food was just ok but we enjoyed the conversation and the atmosphere. it was a beautiful night.

Birthday is a day that you have a chance to say "im so happy that you were born on the planet" to ur love.
i want to say thank you to all people who celebrated my birthday...i love you all!!xoxo

Sunday, July 30, 2006

looove dancing. ive learnt ballet, flamenco, hip-hop, and belly dance, and i love to dance in the club too. but i hadnt gone to the clubs in Japan for so long, since i was studying abroad.

this weekend was so crazy. i and my friend went out for dancing, im reaaaally tired now.
on Friday, we went "VUENOS." it was a small club, playing hip-hop. it thought it was cool at first, but at last i got tired of the heavy beat. i mean its not sensual at all. i cant release my body by the rythm. the style doesnt really match with me. besides, hip-hop boys dont know how to dance with girls.they dont even know how to ask girls to dance with them. we stay there til the first train came at 5 oclock. it was refreshing to breath in morning fog.

at home, i couldnt sleep at all. my body was tired but i still desired to dance..! so i was dancing alone with "hips dont lie" by shakira... lol! i love shakira by the way.she's hot and smart. i love her belly dancing. its so seductive. im her fan since her first single Estoy Aqui!

and the night came, i called my friend "hey do u wanna dance tonight?" she said "yes!" so we went to La Fabrique this time. man this place SUCKED. it was too small and too crowded. how can ppl dance in there?? people there were not good either. they were so many foreign men(this is a good thing) but they seemed so fake to me, they dont seemed like they were looking for good music, and the japanese girls there looked so we left there early.

CONCLUSION; i miss latin discotecas!! those were the best. the disco on the beach, campfire etc......ppl in Latin America know how to dance. and the big difference is that they think desire of dancing is a human nature, so from kids to adults, they all enjoy dancing. in contrast to it, Japanese barely dance in normal situation, and they think going to the club is like what bad ppl do.

Monday, July 10, 2006

where is the love?