Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I went to salsa try-out lesson.
i wanted to learn it b/c i saw the movie called "Dancing Habana"
i get influenced very easily lol
the lesson was fun.
i still remember one time, when i went to the fiesta in a really small village of Costa Rica, there, everyone was dancing salsa or merengue so well. and one guy asked me to dance with him, but i refused it b/c i didnt know how to dance those kind of dancings! haha i was a shy girl

the lesson was not very hard for me. i could pick up on the movements very fast. i learnt that in salsa, a man lead every movements and what all a woman has to do is to read what kind of step he is going to do next, and to follow it. this feeling is kinda similar to the feeling of leaving my body to a man. very interesting and very different from the dancings i learnt before.

i want to go to learn it again when i have time.


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