Monday, October 02, 2006

HONG KONG! ~an interesting mixture~                        way to the station from sandy's house
at her universidad with its student
with bruce leeee!!
temple by the sea

god of love

i went to see my friend in Hong Kong. i have been to main land China, but this was the first time to go to Hong Kong. hong Kong was a very mysterious, exotic place to me. cuz it has a lot of British influence, but its still China! very interesting. and its a place i can feel liveliness. in one area people walking in suits elegantly, but if you walk a little bit from there, there are full of people working and yelling to sell goods. very exciting!

we stayed there only for 2 nights, but my friend took us almost all the famous sights of Hong Kong. so at the end, we were exhauseted...haha...we went to the peak wheere you can see a beautiful night view, to Disney Land, to the beach, to the famous bay, to the university that my friend goes to, to the Lady street where you can buy many cheap stuffs, to the temple, to the mall where we skated.....many places.

we are so satisfied with what we did in Hong Kong. we didnt even waste a second. we slept less but we enjoyed the whole time in Hong kong!

thank you sandia to make this trip amazing. love you! xxx


At 10:06 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Aya:
I miss u baby...well, the post on my diary about you and joan was that" who is someone that understands u?" So i put u two lol....hoho....Danny is not coming to japan?? he is crazy, i mean he planned it for an year...that is your life recently?
Any cute guys? hehe

At 9:58 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, aya:
Haha...i saw your comments on my xanga...yes ar, he is my new boyfriend, is kinda fast, isn't it? We met for 6 days and got together...haha..crazy isn't it? Don't tell others,.......hehe!! Is kinda crazy for me too, but i guess when two right ppl met, time isn't an important issue..He is not very cute..haha..kinda fat too, what do u think? tell me your opinion...!!!
Give me your wishes, I hope i can last long with him.
i havn't see you update your diary for a long time...why? very busy with school work? tell me how you do, love you


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