Sunday, July 30, 2006

looove dancing. ive learnt ballet, flamenco, hip-hop, and belly dance, and i love to dance in the club too. but i hadnt gone to the clubs in Japan for so long, since i was studying abroad.

this weekend was so crazy. i and my friend went out for dancing, im reaaaally tired now.
on Friday, we went "VUENOS." it was a small club, playing hip-hop. it thought it was cool at first, but at last i got tired of the heavy beat. i mean its not sensual at all. i cant release my body by the rythm. the style doesnt really match with me. besides, hip-hop boys dont know how to dance with girls.they dont even know how to ask girls to dance with them. we stay there til the first train came at 5 oclock. it was refreshing to breath in morning fog.

at home, i couldnt sleep at all. my body was tired but i still desired to dance..! so i was dancing alone with "hips dont lie" by shakira... lol! i love shakira by the way.she's hot and smart. i love her belly dancing. its so seductive. im her fan since her first single Estoy Aqui!

and the night came, i called my friend "hey do u wanna dance tonight?" she said "yes!" so we went to La Fabrique this time. man this place SUCKED. it was too small and too crowded. how can ppl dance in there?? people there were not good either. they were so many foreign men(this is a good thing) but they seemed so fake to me, they dont seemed like they were looking for good music, and the japanese girls there looked so we left there early.

CONCLUSION; i miss latin discotecas!! those were the best. the disco on the beach, campfire etc......ppl in Latin America know how to dance. and the big difference is that they think desire of dancing is a human nature, so from kids to adults, they all enjoy dancing. in contrast to it, Japanese barely dance in normal situation, and they think going to the club is like what bad ppl do.


At 11:39 AM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI, Aya:
Long time no cccc..., I miss you girl, are you enjoying your vacations?? i guess u do as always...haha....what a coincident, i just went to club in hong kong few days ago...hehe...there were a big beer festival in the club, so i went with my fd very good ar, but is true though that u said they don;t dance and aren't going to club just for dance as well, but i was still happy that night, cuz i saw a really really hot guy there and took pic with him, he was a gringo who lived in hk, but he didn't ask my phone number, so well....that is all..hehe..check my blog and u will see the pics i took that night! look forward to hear from you

At 12:04 AM GMT+9, Blogger EJ said...

I'm glad to see that your still writing. I'm originally from Michigan and dancing is a part of life in my hometown.

If you can't dance, people will tease you. Actually, your family will tease you.

Have a great summer and keep dancing!

At 11:23 PM GMT+9, Blogger ayita said...

sandia> hola mi amor!!
u really like gringos dont u?well ur special field is gringo and mine is Italians...jajaja!!
u should come to japan ok?

EJ> i wanna c u dancing!
have a wonderful summer with the most beautiful wife in the universe!


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