Monday, May 08, 2006

the Golden Week was so much fun. i was very happy because i could spend time with my family most of the time.
the time i spend with my family is so important to me, because they are the ones who i love the most.

this day of the picture, we went for a walk to the river side.
it was such a beautiful day! i spent very relaxing and calm time together with my parents.

since i lived in foreign countries by myself, i have been feeling how precious my family is. although i had so much fun and experienced so many exciting things, i suffered loneliness that i never felt before during the 3 years of living in foreign counries, and i missed my parents like crazy...
when i was home-staying in one family,i was wishing that if my real family were there, although i enjoyed every moment with the family in Costa Rica.

family is inseparable.
i want to give my parents as many kisses and hugs as possible to tell them I LOVE THEM in the rest of my life!


At 8:21 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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