Thursday, June 08, 2006

Incapable .....?
my friend from Costa Rica found me this song by Eagles(yes its you Sandi!!). she says that this is the song for me.

Now it seems to me some fine things
have been laid upon your table,
but you only want the ones that you can't get.
Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger,
your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home.
And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that's just some people talkin',
your prison is walkin' through this world all alone.
Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate.
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you.
You better let somebody love you,
you better let somebody love you
before it's too late.

when i read this lyric, i got very shocked that she feels me like this, and i started to think it is kinda true...
its true that i havent gone out with boys very easily, even though there were full of chances.
but i just wanted to be friends with the boys who wanted to be my boyfriends. most of the guys were interested in only my image. and it is not the real me. real me is more proper, more serious with my life, and at the same time more childish, than they imagined.

and eventhough my friends say i should be with somebody around me, im proud of myself that im searching for my better half seriously. i am searching for real happiness, not a farce.

yes its true, it causes me pain sometimes. but its hard only for my outside. my soul is satisfied with what i have right now. so its fine.


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