Monday, May 29, 2006

Myself and Others

it is so hard to understand others.
eventhough he is my papa, we are very close together, i cant understand his everything.
i know about him better than anyone else except my mommy.
but still i dont know his innermost.

this is my favorite quote from my favorite book called '11 minutes.' by Paolo Coelho.

"No one owns no one"

i think this is very true.
people tend to think that they can control others if they love them so much.
as friendship become stronger, you will think that you want your friend to act like you think.
and this always destroys relationships. i guess i have to keep this in mind.
and all i can do is just to love him, to love the way he is, without expecting any rewards.


At 8:21 PM GMT+9, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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