Monday, May 29, 2006

Myself and Others

it is so hard to understand others.
eventhough he is my papa, we are very close together, i cant understand his everything.
i know about him better than anyone else except my mommy.
but still i dont know his innermost.

this is my favorite quote from my favorite book called '11 minutes.' by Paolo Coelho.

"No one owns no one"

i think this is very true.
people tend to think that they can control others if they love them so much.
as friendship become stronger, you will think that you want your friend to act like you think.
and this always destroys relationships. i guess i have to keep this in mind.
and all i can do is just to love him, to love the way he is, without expecting any rewards.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Friday night with Coba
me and coba-chan went out this day.
coba-chan is my friend since junior high school. we went to a girls school in Chiyodaku Tokyo. after graduated the junior high school, i quit the school in japan, and went to Switzerland, but coba-chan went to the same girls school in Tokyo, so we were apart for 3 years...but we still keep in touch! how amazing!

this is 2 yrs ago. her skin is much whiter now!

She is a very talented and unique girl. she is intelligent, drews very well, plays violin...and she has such sweet personality. this is what i love about her the most! now, she is a student of Keio university.

we went to Shibuya to dance. First, we ate dinner in a Jamaican bar, and we went to the place that we decided to go. but very unfortunately, the club was under we went to another club, but the guards didnt let us go in, b/c im not 20 yet....this sucked.
so, we gave up on dancing, and went to the small pub, and talked, talked and talked.................
and we made a plan that we're gonna work together in a Resort hotel in Okinawa. we were so excited when we decided this, so we went to the internet cafe and applyed to the hotel on line.

i hope the hotel will accept 2 of us pleeaase!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day!!
last Sunday was mothers day, so my family went out to have dinner in a Italian restaurant.
there were jazz musicians playing jazz in the restaurant. it was very nice atmosphere, and the dishes were delicious. we agreed that we want to go there again. next time, i want to eat oyster, because it was supposed to be there, but unfortunately they didnt have it last time. *oyster oyster*
and i was so happy that my mama enjoyed the time.

i love u mommy!!

did you tell ur mami i luv u on that day??

Monday, May 08, 2006

the Golden Week was so much fun. i was very happy because i could spend time with my family most of the time.
the time i spend with my family is so important to me, because they are the ones who i love the most.

this day of the picture, we went for a walk to the river side.
it was such a beautiful day! i spent very relaxing and calm time together with my parents.

since i lived in foreign countries by myself, i have been feeling how precious my family is. although i had so much fun and experienced so many exciting things, i suffered loneliness that i never felt before during the 3 years of living in foreign counries, and i missed my parents like crazy...
when i was home-staying in one family,i was wishing that if my real family were there, although i enjoyed every moment with the family in Costa Rica.

family is inseparable.
i want to give my parents as many kisses and hugs as possible to tell them I LOVE THEM in the rest of my life!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

GIRLS SLEEP OVER yurikita(ma cousin),pooh
Today, my best friends Yuriko, Manami, and Tomoe came to my house to sleep over.
We are friends since we were in elementary school, so its a long friendship. They call me "buriko" somehow...well its because my name in kanji is pronounced as "bun", so they called me "bunko" at first, but because of Elementary school students' flexible ideas, it gradually became "buriko"....anyway i like my nickname though.
This night we talked about many things...(most of them are stupid stuffs)....such as about guys, guys, and about GUYS!! wow we only talked about guys!! how amazing lol!
Girls talk is always fun*
Manami is still sleeping in my room with weird pose......................

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My family(especially mi papa and me) are big okinawa freaks. we have been to Okinawa several times, and me and my papa are even thinking about to settle in Okinawa. So the First day of GW, we went to Kawasaki to visit Okinawan festival. There we saw Okinawan singers singing their traditional songs, Eisa- group playing the drums and dancing.We also ate Okinawa Soba and Taco Rice, and bought some Okinawan tea. The weather was lovely and we enjoyed the festicval sooo much!
I love Okinawa, because i like hot weather and beautiful ocean. I definately am a beach person more than a mountain person. i love tropical fruits, i like to do water sports,and i like to be tanned.
i love Okinawa because i like Okinawan songs. Their traditional songs sounds so relaxing to me.
jolly songs makes me want to dance, and quiet songs sometimes makes me cry. they have special melody that tug at my heartstrings...
I love Okinawa, because of its people. they are so warm. In Tokyo, people are too busy, that they dont have much time to think about others. I think that it is so sad. Even if they have much money, and there are many activities to pass the time, those things dont always bring people happiness. i believe that spiritual satisfaction make one truly happy, not material satisfaction. When I'm in Okinawa, i can feel happiness.

there are still many other reasons why i luv okinawa...
but this is it 4 today. bye bye

Monday, May 01, 2006

muahahaha! PE teacher Civiani goin' crazy lol
me and my pretty chinese friend Sandia on a water boat me and sandy fell in love with this guy workin in the hotel....wooh! such a hottie!!
beautiful beach and a beautiful gurl..just kidding hahaha!
gals chillin' on the beach
in the ocean

beauuuuutiful beeeaaach!! in San Andres, Colombia
Hola! como estas? i will keep writing about my Costa Rican life...

these pictures are from the senior trip. All seniors went to San Andres, Colombia.
this island places on a Caribean Ocean, near Costa Rica, so many Costa Rican peopla visit there for vacations. It is a very small island, but is such a beauutiful place just like a paradise!! We enjoyed lots of activities such as swimming, motercycling around the island, dancing at night, flirtting with the locals...aha aha jkjk..
people there were soo nice too. I chatted with a old rasta man on the beach. we discussed about love lol! he said that he had 5 girl friends when he was my age...haha. it was fun. he was so sweet and kind to me. maybe its because im a Asian, and its unusual that Asians visit there, but so many people say hi to me when im walking on the streets. I felt so welcomed, and wished that Japanese will be like them. as friendly as they are..

my sweet sweet memory in the Caribean paradise.... it makes me sentimental to think about the time in San Andres....

COSTA RICAN LIFE!! when we did a project in my Japa&Costa rican friend Kenji's(2nd form the right) my class mates. me on profe(profesora=teacher)
Today, i will talk about my life in Costa Rica!! i lived in Costa Rica for 2 years, and i changed schools each year, but this time, i will talk about my last year of Costa Rica.

The last year of high school, i lived in San Jose, Costa Rica, which is a capital city of Costa Rica.
i went to school called "International Christian School In Costa Rica", and there i made lits of friends that i still keep in touch with.
In the school, there were 2 classes each grades. One is for students who apply for Costa Rican universities, and the other is for American and other universities. I was in a class for American and other universities. There were 2 Americans, 2 half Costa RIcan and half Japanese, 2 koreans, 5 chinese, and 1 Japanese(me!) in my class.
These people were always so fun to be with. I went out a lot with the class. We also traveled to the beach my our selves. My sweet memory.....